P.S. I declare November 23 of every year to be N.S.F.H. Day (National Slap Fred Hiatt Day). Here are just the latest reasons why: Exhibit 1, Exhibit 2, Exhibit 3, Exhibit 4, and of course, everything the wanker has ever scribbled himself. If you see this man on the street, at a store, or in a restaurant, rear back and slap him as hard as you can.

Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
The tufted titmice look so comical.
One of my co-workers is going to run a craft workshop in which she'll teach kids how to make suet feeders with pinecones. I should think about putting a couple of those up around the workplace... nah, Fred and Ginger would just consider it a bird buffet. I love cats, but they are evil.
There's a kitty visiting this week, but he can't get at the birds there.
The feeder is even relatively impervious to Nutkin.
Don't know why those darn birds keep photo-bombing those lovely suet pics. Audobon would be proud!
Beautiful photos. Awesome shot the bird flying in search of food...
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