Thematic Photographic 256 is Downward. Here's an old pic from my visit to
the Grand Canyon.

Recent critters from Virgina:
And ORBS! from West Virgina:
at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Wow, I like this! I'll have to pop over to Carmi' s TP and check it out!
Nice shot of the Grand Canyon and, of course, the looking down at the bugs.
I remember my son almost always looking down at bugs when he was a kid. Thanks for the photos that remind me of him as a child.
Awesome shot of the Grand Canylon. I'd dearly love to see that - but not too near the edge!!1
Critturs are great - as usual!
It has come to my attention that the dragonfly above is probably a female Common Whitetail, and not a 12-spotted Skimmer.
ittdgy™³²®©, LLC regrets the error.
Seriously, you shouldn't mislead your faithful readers like that. A 12-spotted Skimmer? really? We'll let it pass this time. Just don't let it happen again.
13 Spotted Skimmers are the work of the devil!
Grand canyon shot and downward shots of bugs looking up at you.
What about those 666-spotted Skimmers, mikey?
Grand Grand Canyon shot. And beautiful creatures, as always :)
Did you make it down to the river in the canyon, or did you stay on the rim?
Can't get much more downward than the Grand Canyon! All of your shots are great and I really liked the ones of the bugs :)
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