Here are some geese on Lake Siri in December.

And here's a video of some ducks learning to be ducks.
Other Birdness:
Red-bellied Woodpecker

Angry Birds!

UPDATE: Bob Scotney is right. Theda (and turtles) pic added.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Duck, duck, goose, maverick.
lol @ mockingbird.
OT: Thunder, what happened to Laura at cleaninghoueandbakingcookies?
I clicked and she's... gone! *Sniffle*
She must be pretty hung over.
I don't know.
Oh that angry bird face!!! That really made me laugh.
That bird frightens me.
I'm gonna need my Gunz...
I am looking for Angry Water.
Oh wait. Turns out that is Tequila.
Carry on.
Although I do hope Laura checks in and lets us know what the dealio was. She commented at Bastard's after the site went down, so she's still around. Still on FaceHell, too, FWIW.
Of course, nobody owes anybody anything in the Bloggerverse, so that may be the end of it...
Don't jinx it, zrm!
OK, so you have the birds but where are the dogs?
ok, that bird does not look happy.
what the heck IS angry birds anyway?! i saw angry birds EVERYTHING at xmas of these days i gotta look it up. a game? an app? a new hitchcock film?
nobody owes anybody anything in the Bloggerverse
What are you talking about? You owe me a ton.
I've heard that zomebies are often deadbeats.
ALSO! Bob Scotney is right: See UPDATE.
Word from Laura is that she's just re-thinking her blog. SHE WILL BE BACK!!1
Maybe Laura taking her blog down is what's making that bird so angry!
AK, that's good to hear! She has a very joyful voice. And I love the stories about her young son. :)
Hmm, maybe we should get something done with Angry Bird...
Angry birds, eh? Red-bellied woodpeckers, eh? Take it from me, those red-bellied woodpeckers sure can get angry!
Although I do hope Laura checks in and lets us know what the dealio was. She commented at Bastard's after the site went down, so she's still around. Still on FaceHell, too, FWIW.
Of course, nobody owes anybody anything in the Bloggerverse, so that may be the end of it...
Yeah, she commented at my place, and I sure hope she stays active in the bloggerhood. My one regret is that I didn't copy down the recipe for Laura's Best Ever Fudge of Doom before she took her blog down. Keep hope alive, people!
I hope the blog can be restored if she has a change of heart- her posts about vegetable stomping, her war with the squirrel, and the Massimo hijinx are pure comedy gold.
Theda with a Special Guest Appearance by Left Foot, you mean.
Word from Laura is that she's just re-thinking her blog.
She had said way back when that she starts and stops them fairly often... kind of like someone else we know, not that I'm naming names. Perhaps she's going back to the after dark variety she had done for a while.
The green reflections off the water in the turtle pic are amazing. Then again, you always find a way to bring the extraordinary home in pixels. Your birds beat Rovio's digitized creations any day!
OMG. It's your very own "mad bluebird."
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