UPDATE: Speaking of war criminals, who does Jenghazi quote criticizing the Administration for national security management failure on 9-11? That's 9-11-2012, silly people, not that other one (whatever it was):

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s testimony yesterday vividly demonstrated that competence is as critical as ideology when it comes to the highest ranks of national security officials.
Former deputy national security adviser Elliott Abrams writes, "Having worked as an assistant secretary of state and a deputy national-security adviser, I can report that even in those posts one is entirely swamped by cable traffic and needs a system to cope with it — to be sure that the really important ones get through. From all the available evidence, Hillary Clinton failed to establish such a system for herself, and that management failure is a far more important fact about her tenure than being the third woman to hold the post or having flown more miles than Condoleezza Rice."
P.S. I recommend Charles Pierce's take on all this.
Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
nice trolling.
It's a 100% accurate shorter, zrm.
See for yourself.
But you left out
Yeah - that's why you needed to add the Skree - Communism line in your trollery...
Good grief.
Her latest post?
Quoting ELLIOTT ABRAMS to criticize Hillary Clinton over Benghazi.
Might have to update....although I've got dogs and orbs and snow in edit.
I'm guessing something happened in the "real" world.
Sometimes, for relief from it all- especially with all this snow cover- I have to retreat that famous quote from the movie Hanging Up! ...sometimes you just have to disconnect! Especially when I used to believe we could make a difference.... Oh say I hope we all can survive! Tra la la....
I love "Jenghazi". Well played, old chum!
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