ALSO!: Mushrooms
Plenty of moisture means plenty of mushrooms. I picked one of the first ones to take its picture upside down. It smelled delicious.

ALSO!: Monsters

ALSO!: Flooding - Berkeley Springs, Saturday afternoon (picture credit - a friend of my sister's)

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
I just adore that old barn! I'd snap it up and call it home! Ha! Ha! The grounds around it look very nice as well! Somebody cares about the old place!
Carmi's Thematic Photographic 211 is Weathered and Worn.
Time for a self-portrait.
Great old barn - lovely photo.
Good to see that unstoppable serial killer hideouts haven't entirely disappeared.
Is that ole barn available for puttin' on shows?
There could be monsters in that barn! (In fact, the pumpkin flower is on the grounds.)
Lovely weathered old barn. Great mushroom shots too.
I feel so bad for all those that are suffering from flood waters. Been there and grateful I have not had a repeat of it.
Monsters? What fun, we could all do the Monster Mash! A fun barn dance for all!
This old Barn
He just played
He played knick knack in the shade...
I always enjoyed a rousing game of knick knack, paddywack...
exploration calls with that barn
I like the mud dauber one the best.
I liked that metallic hint to the wing, too, dusty.
Here's a spider vs. mud dauber link: With videos!
Love the old barn, the fixer-upper in me wants to make it look new again.
Pumpkin flowers are delicious- you should stuff it with mozzarella, dip it in an egg batter, and fry it in olive oil.
Muad'Dibber has a terrible duty to fulfill.
How kind of you to visit and lead me back to this smashing blog!
Aloha, Friend
from Honolulu
Comfort Spiral
> < } } ( ° >
Farm barns are getting quite an outing this week - they could almost have a theme of their own.
That first 'mushroom' looks like a beefsteak fungus to me.
I. LOVE. OLD. BARNS. Though I rarely come across one so habitable-looking (at least from the outside).
It's almost hard to take a bad shot of an old barn, I think. They are, in and of themselves, artful.
It looks like a beefsteak, Bob, but the top (and the rest of it) was not slimy at all.
The aroma was very nice, as advertised
hey, really cool old barn! but it doesn't LOOK like a barn...it looks like some of the houses on stilts out this way, along the river! love the stone!
since i'm a mushroom maniac...they're always a welcome surprise...along with all the other little monsters of nature!
well, except for the flooding...that's no fun!
I love old barns. :) And you know what I like to do to mushrooms.
Muwhahahahahahahahahah.. tee hee hee!
He gathered all the springs to birth
From the many-venomed earth;
First a little, thence to more,
He sampled all her killing store;
Do Not Recommend...
He did die old, mikey.
At the behest of Pompey, Mithridates' body was later buried alongside his ancestors (in Sinope, Book 37, chapter 14).
Sinopes, fact-checker to the ancients.
Love that old barn! And your other shots! I knew you'd include something that flew! They are great!
Old barns, monsters, floating... you shot it all ;-)
I love old barns. They always make me think of scary stories to write, and this is just the time for it ;-)
I couldn't stop looking at the barn - what a lovely old structure that wears the years with grace. More than any other kind of building, I often wonder what stories a barn would tell. Many, I'm sure.
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