I love the honking of those Geese. :) I just found out 15 minutes ago that it's Canadian Flag Day! See how un-American we Canucks are! You guys are probably all over flag day-right? I mean, Big B was all over Canadian Flag Day! I wouldn't want to see him on the American one!
Yes, I think the geese were objecting to the dog. She took no notice of them, however. They were there again this morning...it seems they'll advance to within 30 feet of the shoreline, but that's the limit.
And just yesterday my kids received their Canadian passports to which they are entitled b/c as the progeny of my wife they are dual citizens. Now, I'm the only one who can't travel to Canada.
I love the honking of those Geese. :)
I just found out 15 minutes ago that it's Canadian Flag Day!
See how un-American we Canucks are!
You guys are probably all over flag day-right? I mean, Big B was all over Canadian Flag Day! I wouldn't want to see him on the American one!
well, in any case it is good that Canada is sending you Better Geese.
...yanno what? My twee alt-pop band is likely to be named Better Geese.
Better Geese Video
Those geese are as shifty-eyed as the other ones.
Money back, please.
Canada Geese Libel!
I mean, Big B was all over Canadian Flag Day!
I just happened to notice that it was listed on my office calendar!
What are those geese saying? Are they threatening the dog?
Those shots of the chickadee are wonderful. I love those little birds.
Yes, I think the geese were objecting to the dog. She took no notice of them, however. They were there again this morning...it seems they'll advance to within 30 feet of the shoreline, but that's the limit.
(Pics added.)
Protip: the updates could be entirely Neu Posts, increase your post count and bump up your blog in the floating bogrolls, ALL AT NO COST TO YOU.
NOW how much would you pay?
... Or you could just post robot pictures.
I considered that, zrm, but decided I didn't have enough pictures yet.
(Plus, newer content was related to a common-tater's comment, and thus could be considered 'customer service'.)
Dang, those sunrise photos rock.
That last pic is AMAZING
I lovez it a lot.
Glorious sunrise.
And just yesterday my kids received their Canadian passports to which they are entitled b/c as the progeny of my wife they are dual citizens. Now, I'm the only one who can't travel to Canada.
Bubble letters is probably not the best way to capture and the magic, Majesty and raw power that is THUNDER.
Fonts matter, people.
Dang, those sunrise photos rock.
Your family's gonna miss you when the USA-pocalypse comes and they have to leave you behind, Jim.
Hey, at least it wasn't COMIC SANS.
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