Kathy Kiely, USA TODAY

Not terrible, Kathy, but you left out Glenn Beck and FAUX News.
The corporate media's obsession with these sockpuppets is sad. They happily ignored genuine grassroots opposition to the Iraq War. Of course, the Iraq War served corporate profits, specifically those of the defense and energy industries. And this teabagger movement protects health insurance industry profits.
W. Mark Felt to Bob Woodward and Carl Bernstein, early 1970s: "Follow the money".
The Washington Post under Donald Graham: "Worship the money".

UPDATE: It's the Associated Press, people!
Here's what's clear: This is pure people-driven politics facilitated by the Internet. This is an ideological mix of libertarianism and conservatism with the common denominator being lower spending and smaller government. This is a loose collection of citizen groups with no leader but many voices. And this is the product of long-simmering anger.What's clear is that the A.P. is as full of crap as FAUX News.

The woman on the far right looks like she's dressed for a marathon. That's a pretty sneaky way to inflate the size of the crowd.
Also, pork cannot be repealed. It is natural law. And delicious.
This new weight-loss fad of walking around with 'repeal the pork' written on you has no scientific basis.
After getting slushed on for my walk home, I'm considering south of the border (and I don't mean the touristy trap just south of North Carolina).
This is an ideological mix of libertarianism and conservatism
I'm beginning to feel like we are living out The Marching Morons.
This is an ideological mix of libertarianism and conservatism with an incoherent message and no focus. This is a people powered rebellion funded by corporate sponsors and given a high profile by right wing radio and TV. This is a truck that drives like a car. This is a couple of hundred people, but numbers in the millions, really, which is proven by this picture of a million people somewhere. This is Thursday, but it feels like Monday. This is Sarah Palin's moment, until they stop paying her. This is primarily driven by racism, but has black friends. This is a floor wax and a dessert topping. This is dogs and cats, living together, mass hysteria. This is bullshit, but ratings. This is the last soul killing moment for anybody who pretends to be a real reporter at our network, but Fox is respectable and fair. This is flibbertigibbertigibbet, with POOP. This is blarrgh, bertle blarp burp fart.
That much is clear.
ZRM said it all.
Did he ever. Well said ZRM
ZRM - you undead have a way with words.
I am on tenterhooks awaiting the coverage of Sarah Palin's speech to the steak-and-lobster dinner crowd. Will they be giving away tickets to fill the audience, since so few have sold?
reports are that reporters are a one to one ratio with attendees in the big hall.
I guess the rest of teh network is attending some sporting contest.
ZRM, remember this post?
I was just posting that pic over at g's place, and noticed that you can't see the speedometer any more.
Holy NannyGazoogle!
Speedometer on ITTDGY's photograph still reads '76', to my aging eyes; perhaps I have just failed a colour-vision test.
You cannot fairly expect an admission from an AP journalist that the events from which they describe so many column-inches are as spontaneous as, I don't know, Superbowl celebrations; or that they are effectively acting as stenographers for the Republican party. On that point, the preservation of self-esteem and of income concur.
So. It's just being back on the old computer that prevents me from seeing the pic clearly? It looks like the area above the steering wheel is blacked out.
I guess I better fix that new laptop before more hilarity ensues.
Here's what's clear: This is village idiots storming the castle.
I disagree, it's the village idiots storming the library, and burning all the books at the behest of the guy in the castle, who wishes them to remain ignorant and submissive.
It looks like the area above the steering wheel is blacked out.
Admittedly, that's how I prefer to drive.
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