Saturday, February 6, 2010

Grifter Queen Sarah Addresses The Rubes

Thanks, A.P.!
Palin told the national "tea party" convention Saturday that America's national debt, which is held largely by other nations, "makes us less free" and "should tick us off."

The 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee got one of several standing ovations from the gathering of about 600 people when she said the nation is drowning in debt. The Obama administration argues that much of the nation's debt is being caused by tax cuts and a Medicare drug program enacted under former President George W. Bush.

Too bad there's no way to establish what the actual facts are, right, A.P.?

M.B. was liveblogging the spectacle, but I fear he has expired.

UPDATE: What Glennzilla Said!

That's one major reason why neocons such as Bill Kristol love her. Led by Joe Lieberman, neocons have repeatedly shown their willingness to cynically exploit extremist Christian Rapture dogma for greater American fealty towards Israeli actions, and Palin reliably spouts neoconservative dogma on virtually every issue. Almost every one of her national security pronouncements sounds exactly like Dick Cheney and The Weekly Standard (though her call for expanded Israeli settlements go beyond what even most neocons are willing to advocate openly).
All of this underscores both (a) the total incoherence of the "tea party movement" and (b) how it is, at bottom, nothing more than a cynical marketing attempt to re-brand the right wing of the Republican Party under the exact same policies and principles which defined it for the last couple of decades.




M. Bouffant said...

I am a wimp.

Big Bad Bald Bastard said...

Your facts don't match the narrative.


Hamish Mack said...

Awww don't she look purty.

Substance McGravitas said...

Palin reliably spouts neoconservative dogma on virtually every issue.

Unless she accidentally washes her hands.

Jennifer said...

Unless she accidentally washes her hands.

I was thinking the same thing.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

I've jammed everything else into this post, so might as well add the handyprompter.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

but a teleprompter is eleiteist.

Smut Clyde said...

Unless she accidentally washes her hands.
Like this?

Smut Clyde said...

See also.

ifthethunderdontgetya™³²®© said...

Smut Clyde KNOWS stuff.

Jennifer said...

You know, I have to give her credit for getting by with as little as a hand note or two. She usually is sitting on Glenn Beck's lap, with his hand up her jacket, while he drinks a glass of water.

zombie rotten mcdonald said...

I hear she was going to write a lot more stuff.
But she quit.

....OK, I admit I stole that from driftglass, shamelessly. But he's such a damn good writer....