Last post, I misidentified a wasp I found on the W. and O.D. trail as a Great Golden Digger Wasp. (Thanks to Phil for the heads-up!)
I guessed it was a Great Golden Digger Wasp because of similar shape, coloration, and location (this one was just a hundred feet down the trail from the ones I photographed in October). Also, it was doing what I expected a GGDW would do when it wasn't visiting goldenrod flowers: rummaging around in the trail dust. (In fact, I think it had located some hapless bug).
However, the head shape is quite different (and is all black) and the legs are black instead of orange:

Searching around google images, I found that there is a species of Thread-waisted Wasp called Ammophila procera that is a possibility. "This is the largest species in the eastern U.S. to sport the silver stripes on the side of the thorax, a hallmark of most members of the genus."
You can see silver stripes on the thorax under the right wings. (and it was quite large, at least length-wise...maybe not 2 inches, but close.)

I'm also linking to Carmi's Thematic Photographic 389 - Drink up. The birds enjoy their frisbee bird bath in the backyard every day:

But sometimes it is mysteriously emptied. Hmmm?

Another mystery solved!
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
That's why I name birds George, Theodore, or Randy.
Isn't it fun crowdsourcing??!!
I'm pleased I found you the right bug although it was by sheer accident through my innate curiosity. I must go looking for interesting bugs and not just birds.
Great to see something else besides wine bottles!
Love that first shot of that little bug guy! It's always wonderful when we solve those mysteries in life isn't it! Enjoy your week, it seems they are pushing old man winter to arrive here in a couple of days. Darn it!
thread-waisted. yikes! :)
He's a beauty, whatever he is! I had to laugh about the dog drinking the bird bath water!
Hello, it is wonderful to solve the mysteries. Love the Theda! Happy Thursday, enjoy your day and the weekend ahead!
Theda takes the biscuit as well as the water anyway.
Admire that you are trying and succeeding in the insect ID. I always try to know birds and flowers with varying degrees of success, but that is about as far as I can handle! Enjoyed the humorous sequence at the end ... I haven't seen any of the other entrants to that theme share, but I am guessing that yours was unique! (And that is always wonderful!)
Yep! ground feeders were no good when we had a dog!
LOL...I didn't know that dogs ate funny..I love tracking down an insect identification..... Michelle
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