Here's a Tufted Titmouse from the deck in W.V. A bit out of focus, but you can see the deck fence just fine.

I saw this groundhog on the Washington and Old Dominion Trail this afternoon, but he/she/it/woodchuck saw me, too. And disappeared quickly. So on the way back, I tried to be very quiet when I got to the spot. Success!

Last but not least...who is this???

Could it be?


Update: Hours later, it's getting dark and Spa Frog is still happily floating around in the chair.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Ha, the frog steals the show!! Fun post.
how adorable is that sparrow line-up!? love the froggie, too.
we share our pool with a group frogs.
Cool little line of sparrows! And the frog is very nice.
Hello, I love the line of sparrows on the fence. The spa frog is a cutie. Happy Friday, have a great weekend!
All lined up. How cute.
Hello!:) Such a great sparrow fence shot, and of course the little frog is a cutie.
I LOVE your first photo of the sparrows all lined up on the fence and your new frog friend must be going to hang around!
Creative fence shot and love the frog in the pool ~ we had a grand size pool and they used to get caught in the backwash cup ~
Happy Weekend to you ~ ^_^
Oh, my goodness, those sparrows are so cute! How long did it take to train them? ;)
That is the cutest frog!
That is one handsome frog. Who needs a prince when the frog is so good-looking?
Cute line up of birds on the gate. Cute spa frog! Have a great weekend!
This is a very exclusive spa! This frog knows what is good!
Our great-grandsons were gathering spa frogs when we were out there the other day -- these were little bitty frogs that they caught when their Grandma (our daughter) lifted the lid to the hot tub for the first time for a while (since the weather has cooled down slightly). To the boys' delight and everybody else's varying degrees of surprise.
Hello, sweet three critters with fence post♡♡♡ I LOVE the spa frog, never seen the frog enjoying the water like that :-) Wish to see Tufted Titmouse here... Haha, from the name we will imagine the mouse.
Sincerely from Japan, Miyako*
lol, love the decoration of your fence :)
Cute shot of the birds on the gate. Also loved that little spa frog.
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