You won't believe what happened next! (Of course you will...Nutkin crashed the party and ate almost all of the sunflower seeds.)

So this morning. Mr. Cardinal has the run of the place...

And then...

How about a bee?

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions. v~
A bush with seeds for the birds :-)
I see a beautiful red cardinal (which unfortunately we did not in the Netherlands) and a little rascal of a squirrel :-)
The bee is wonderful and of course I would believe anything sneaky Mr Nutkin did. We have 'hosted' some of his westcoast cousins.
Hello, Poor bird do not have a chance with the squirrel eating all their food. Love your birdie bush and the cardinals. Enjoy your day and the week ahead!
I love a good party, but oh those party crashers! Your bee is perfectly- beetiful!
love the bee shot :)
Really pretty shot of the bee!
A beautiful bird and so cute squirrel... it must be a very lovely party for them to enjoy those seeds!! :) Lovely pictures! Have a very good day!
There are two mallards who have taken a liking to the shelled peanuts I put out. I wondered who would win.. Duck or squirrel... Squirrel won... sorry I am so that...Michelle
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