Remember that deer who hung around for photos and videos while munching away in Ashburn in June? (In the middle of the poison ivy, I might add.) I took four of them, here's a third:
I'm also linking to Anni's I'd-Rather-B-Birdin'. Theda and I went to visit the Broad Branch ducks, but there was only duckweed.

How about a birdie platter? Mrs. Cardinal is sharing well with the sparrows. (The night before, Mr. Cardinal was chasing them off vigorously. Of course, when he'd pursue one a few feet away, the others would dash for the seeds.)

Some Blue Jays decided to come visit this morning, as well:

How about a profile shot, Mr. or Mrs. Jay?

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Hello, those are tiny toads. You are so kind to rescue them before using the weed whacker. The deer is sweet and I love the birds. Theda is a cutie too. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Happy Saturday, enjoy your weekend!
Love the deer video!
Have a great week-end!
Well thanks for showing those tiny toads against the ruler. They really are incredible. You must have good eyesight to find them in the vegetation.
Great shots. Beautiful Blue Jay.
Great captures of the blue Jay! We have some living in our trees:) Missing your presence on my blog and hope to see you at SEASONS where it's all about the experience of the SEASONS - Settling in July 10-13 (photo link is open Sun- Wed evening).
Have a great weekend and hope to see you there! Jesh StG~
Obrigada por compartilhar os pequenos sapos e video.
Carmen Lúcia(Brasil)
P.S. Forgot to say I put seven of them on that ruler after I was through weed-whacking.
I knew I wouldn't have much time...
Tiny frogs!
adorable toadies. :) lovely doe, too. pretty platter birds.
I don't know toads came so small! Love the deer video.
My, they are tiny! Good on you for keeping them safe. The other animals are really fun to see.
Love your poetic title and those cute little toads. Also the video. Enjoy your weekend and takes for the smile!
I loved the Bambi, munching away, great images.
You are surrounded!
I DO so love blue jays, and envy those who have them at their feeders.
Would you look at those toads?!!! Tiny indeed.
Thank you kindly for sharing this at I'd Rather B Birdin' for us birders to appreciate!!
Beautiful series of photographs of the birds.
The video of the deer is also lovely.
I love the Jay
Best regards, Irma
Those little frogs are just wonderful!
You must have good eye sight to see those teeny weeny toads! Pretty deer and birds shots. Have a great day!
Beautiful shots!
I like the tiny toads, so cute!!
Have a nice day!
those toads are really small. I am amazed you were able to take that shot at all. They dont stay put too long :)
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