It's been so long since I've been to a beach. But here's Lake Siri in June:

I was hoping to get another House Finch at the Dog Bowl, but I was spotted. On the other hand, I have a couple more of those photos I haven't cropped and used yet, so here's another!

Wednesday's almost over, but not quite! Here's a Gray Catbird (Dumetella carolinensis) for Wild Bird Wednesday 154.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Ohhh Lake Siri looks quite cold in that picture - grey skies, grey water. The finch looks warm, though, and in need of a drink. What a pretty bird.
Sweet House Finch and Gray Catbird♪♪♪ I wish I could see more varieties of birds; I admire the way you always good at IDing them as well as the pictures.
Sincerely from Japan, MIyako.
I love seeing all your different birds! Would ours look as interesting and different to you??
What a pretty lake. I love the House Finch and Catbird! Great shots, enjoy your day!
Tão lindo de ver! Gosto muito! abraços,chica
jealous on the catbird! i've never seen one in person!
I enjoy the house finches, with their red heads. I'm not familiar with the catbirds.
What lovely photos. Greetings!
Pretty bird!
Your house finch and catbird are both great!
I have not seen any catbirds here... Michelle
Great photos!
Have a beautiful week-end!
I would love to go fishing in the the bird pics.
Thanks for posting a correct link for me but you will see I had realised.
Lake Siri we seen before if not this shot, You can't post enough bird shots for me especially when they are birds I am not familiar with.
If you want to again..any of these posts would be great for Nature Notes.. I mentioned my late friend and nature mentor teaching me.. the only person I could call in the middle of the night when I saw my first flying squirrel at the bird feeder. I promised I would pay her legacy forward and I am trying to do that on the blog.. Mary Anna loved in this order... BATS!!!, bunnies, tree squirrels and hummingbirds. She was amazing. How do you repay something who introduced you to a whole world in your yard.. Miss her but I see the fireflies out and think of her...Michelle
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