And some more above this building in German Village, Columbus:

This is one of the more spectacular fences in German Village every year and is my contribution to TexWiscGirl's Good Fences #70:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Very nice pictures! Lovely fence!
Pretty views of the sky and the lovely flowers. Great images, enjoy your day!
oh, that's lovely. :)
Really pretty pictures!
I always like your views of Lake Siri, and if only I could see more of that bakery! Oh wait, it's skies I'm looking for right! Pretty photos, love the flowers.
Very pretty Lake.
I could see why that fence is popular. The abundance of gorgeous flowers flowing from it is just amazing.
lovely views
Look at the beautiful red and white creepers on that fence! Gorgeous. And a lovely blue sky. We've had quite a few of those lately, preceded by severe frosts... Better than grey skies and rain, though.
It's been flawless here in New York these past two days. It's not even too hot now.
That's a luscious garden behind that fence. I thought "Cacapon" sounded familiar, and then I see you were in Wild Wonderful WV--where I'm from.
Water somehow makes the sky better! Lovely lake you have there. And gorgeous flowers on that fence - what are they??
Great fences for today's meme and love the flowers
Beautiful lake view. Great fences and lovely blooms.
Lake Siri stands you in good stead especially with clouds like those as a backdrop.
Oh wow... Beautiful scenery
The flower garden is so colorful and beautiful!
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