That's Jaxter, if I recall correctly. He used to always be behind the fence. Apparently, he has front-of-the-house privileges now. (And why do you think they call it a horse trail, anyway?)
Inside the fence...more fences:

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naughty jaxter! well, at least he's busy trimming the grass. :)
Is Jaxter jumping the fence? It is a pretty hore. Great fence shots. Have a happy Easter weekend!
Pretty shots!
Jaxter seems to be enjoying the grass on the "other" side of the fence.
Wonderful pictures with lots of green, even if Jaxter is trying to get rid of it ;)
So many different fences in one picture, you could have cut it and shown it on different times :))
Happy Easter to you!
Great pictures... you know how it is, the grass is always greener..... Have a great Easter weekend.
Hey....I love the fact that you were thinking "Outside the Fence" on this post.
Both images are great. Love the name....Jaxter too.
Beautiful horse!
Nice old horse - hope he doesn't amble too far from home!
I just want to give him a carrot.
i guess jaxter feels that things always look greener on the other side of the fence!
cool shot of the fences within the fences!
happy easter...happy sunday!
A very happy horse, who likes the grass outside of his fence. Great shots. I hope you had a wonderful Easter.
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