Mrs. Cardinal flew past just as I was taking a picture of Mr. Cardinal.

A few seconds later:

Here are the wolfhound puppies during a break between snowstorms last week:

Ms. Beckett on Monday:

Ms. Beckett on November 16:

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
It always tickles me that one of your dogs is named after my daughter.
Lindo cardeal e o cão idem! abraços,chica
growing like weeds!
I love Mr & Mrs Cardinals. And the pups are growing so big.. And Ms Beckett is a sweetie.. Great photos. Thank you for linking up and sharing your post.. Have a happy weekend!
Mrs. Cardinal wanted to be included in this post. Those pups are adorable.
Cute pups and always enjoy seeing the cardinals.
Wonderful shots of cardinals and puppies.
I love Mr & Mrs Cardinals.
The pups are adorable.
Have a happy Sunday.
I know those pups were glad of the sunshine.
Oh, I love puppies, excellent photos.
Well she was not to be out done!
Those ladies like to get a taste of the action you think?
Mr Cardinal is always handsome, but I absolutely love the dogs!
Ms Beckett sure went from glossy to shaggy in no time flat.
Well of course, she wanted to be in the picture too! Great fun in world!
Great and funny photo instants...Have a happy week of March!
The cardinals are wonderful to see..I just know spring is right around the corner. I had to go back and look for your "left foot"- that cracked me up..thanks for the morning smile!!
Great shots of the cardinal and love your doggie photos ~ fur persons are so delightful!
Happy Week to you,
artmusedog and carol
She said "Hey, he's getting too much attention! Look at me!" :-) Love the sweet-looking wolfhound too.
I think the Cardinals really have a fantastic birds. Their appearance but also makes their beautiful red color, these birds really nice to see. The young wolf dogs look very beautiful and healthy.
WooHoo Carmi has his new theme up early! Hit the Road is the theme, and mine is in!... Now grab a doggie and hit the road friend!
What a pretty bird, and great puppies. I love your blog name - I'm a big Grateful Dead fan!
Cardinals are my favorite birds! Ms Beckett is a cute dog!
Cardinals are such great birds.
I wonder what scarce nutrients puppies get from our shoes??
Cheers - Stewart M - Melbourne
The puppies are so cute!
Good morning, thanks for stopping by. Enjoy your day.
No cardinals here. Maybe soon! Thanks for sharing yours!
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