Mr. B^4 reported on tiny toads the other day. As it happens, there was a plethora hopping around the house in Berkeley Springs this week**.

** No tiny toads were harmed in the taking of these photos.
Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Good Title!
I have always thought of toads (we don't have them in this country) as large, ugly, horny things - but these are positively cute.
Unbelievably, I still have a few monarch caterpillars clinging to leaves in my garden, comatosed by winter cold. As am I, almost :(
Butterflies make the summer - ours are yet to come!
I just goo-goo over their wee little existence and am so very careful when I mow. I do brake for them! This is summer fun!
Tiny toads are simply irresistible.
Still to come: Ebony Jewelwing and Five-lined Skink.
Do you get tiny warts when you play with tiny toads?
Wart-free so far, Jim H.
ITTDGY has succumbed to the peer pressure. He has toad the line.
I bring you a yout-uber.
Toads all the way down.
I love, LOVE, LOVE those darling little toads!
I had to evict/rescue one from the basement of my workplace- it came in with some stormwater (it's kinda torrential around here today).
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