Technically speaking, these sounds come from the swamp across the road from the lake.

Speaking of brightening your day...

P.S. Here's some KAOS from Typepad:

Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Oh my! Those night sounds are so strange to my ears! Can't even sort out how many vocalists there are! And that turtle shot of great!
The chaotic daisies are Shasta daisies, Erigeron something or other! I have divided the clump this year, so not sure what I am going to get!
How do you even sleep at night?!
Thanks, Gilly!
Jim H., I sleep a lot better here with the frogs and night insect noises than I do in Columbus with the sounds of downtown traffic.
Technically speaking, these sounds come from the swamp across the road from the lake.
PEEPERS!!! They're handsome little frogs. If you're going to kiss a frog, looking for Prince Charming, it might as well be a handsome frog with a nice singing voice.
The turtle photo is superb. The frogs certainly make a noise.
I've raised some of those peepers from tadpoles before.
They are tiny! Except for their singing voices, of course.
Have to laugh at Jim's comment! I'd say very well! hehehe! Love this post and all the cuteness!
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