A bit lower than the treetops:

Way above:

At least one of the local Carolina Wrens* has started visiting the suet feeder:

* Thanks to JohnR for correctly identifying the moth-eater in this post as a Winter Wren.
Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
First pic puts indoor Xmas trees to shame. Orbs and icicles! Lovely.
Pic 6 of 6 running low on suet. Looks like the birds have noticed. Can't you see the looks of disgust on their faces? lol
Merry Christmas/Happy Holidays, thunder. And best wishes for the New Year!
Who says the moon is made of green cheese? Looks like its a ball of suet to me.
suet suet suet suet suet suet: my new favorite word in the English language.
Aha! Treetops, orbs, and birds. Perfect combination :)
Great shots! That Carolina wren must be bigger than our wrens, and has a very long tail! And I thought the Downy woodpecker was bigger than it is - consultation with on-line sites tells me it is barely bigger than a titmouse/chickadee. In which case, your feeder is smaller than I thought! And it needs more suet!
Gorgeous shots! Really love the ones of the birds :)
The wren is the king of birds. Hail to the king, baby!
Thanks, people!
B^4, given this:
The wrens are mostly small, brownish passerine birds in the mainly New World family Troglodytidae.
I tend to think of this as their theme song.
So that's how you attract all the birds - promise them a suet moon.
First picture is excellent.
What are those weird splotches on the moon? Is your lens dirty?
Lovely photos, love the moon.
Your photos here thrilled me , esp that first beauty! Glad we met
Thanks again!
R.G., everybody knows that cheese gets mold on it when it's old.
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