Carmi's Thematic Photographic 261 is Strangers In Our Midst. These hornets are not native to North America (of course, neither are most of us). By the way, even hornets have fans!

Here are some locals:

UPDAAATE: Jim H's song suggestion
Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
I love your take on this week's theme! There are so many non-native bugs. Think of the ash-borer. We lost 40 ash trees in our community this year. Consequences...
Thank you for your clue on how to post my contribution.
Yuck - I know the spider is harmless, but I'd rather not meet up with it!
So, when do we see a shot of a wolf spider in your paw?
In spite of their cuddly appearance, M.B., wolf spiders are not noted for friendliness.
The fishing spider, on the other hand, is supposed to stay very nice and calm as long as the handling isn't too rough. So maybe if another one of those stops by...
I always like how your mind works, and the wild, animal and insect world that you so beautifully share with us. What a stranger that first one is, makes you wonder how or why he got there!
You daddylonglegs reminded me that we will be inundated with them when we get back home next week. I wouldn't want that wolf spider to be a local for us in the UK.
Great pics of scary bugs. That Vespa hornet. Wow! Get on your bad motor scooter and ride, mofo
That should take care of RG's complaint about the Clash
You always capture insects so well, even if they are icky.
It's been a big year for spiders here in the ATL.
Last night, after seeing this post I think I saw that vespa wasp hanging out by my grill while I was barbecuing a chicken breast. Never seen one before. Cool.
I added your youtuber, Jim H.
There's a red bridge across the bay
You could be at my place in less than a day...
You should look for wolf spiders in the dark, their eyes reflect light so brightly, they look like tiny emeralds gleaming in the dark.
Best. Insect shots. Ever.
I was cringing a bit, but I couldn't stop staring: they're fabulous.
And FWIW, I LOVE the Clash! What an iconic band. Thanks for the blast from a very happy - for me, anyway - past!
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