Here we have a nice sharp picture of the leaf behind carpenter bee's shoulder. NOT what I was trying for.

There have been very few butterflies around Columbus this summer. But this Black Swallowtail stayed still for a picture.

Downtown Columbus at twilight:

P.S. Here's a pic I saw at Naked Capitalism.

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Nevertheless I recognise that bee! I have several like that.
Umbrella frog is hilarious. And the bee is cool, even though it's not in focus.
Oh my frogs-goodness. You know he's going to win the hearts of all who see him.
I love frogs - almost as much as butterflies!
I don't think we have bees of that variety down-under.
All my pictures are blurry.
Froggy better be on the lookout for Doc Hopper.
Me: "Blurry vision is not necessarily the same thing as a blurry picture."
You: "Whoa!" [intoned like a younger Keanu Reeves]
Also too we need to swarm to BDR's rescue. He got evicted from the webs. Not sure what we can do, but I'm sure he'd appreciate the support.
I saw that, Jim H.
I guess we need to know what happened before we can figure out how to help.
I'm digging Umbrella Frog.
Turning folks into butterflies would be nicer than into frogs OR toads, but giving them umbrellas is a good touch.
Thanks for the Kind worry. Update here:
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