Bartender says, "Testicle-crushing Thursday was yesterday!"

If you want to say you object to Obama's wholesale adoption of the Bush-Cheney war on civil liberties, but you don't like Rand Paul, Amy Goodman can show you how.
(Of course, TBogg doesn't object at all.)
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Funny, Bernie Sanders' eight-hour floor speech was largely ignored by the meeja.
Technically, it wasn't a filibuster.
But good on Sanders (and the Congressional Black Caucus) for opposing the Obama extension of the Bush-Cheney tax cuts.
Torture? I hardly know her!
Yeah I've noticed how TBogg is JUST LIKE John Yoo - it's like they're twins or something...
Funny you should say that, mikey.
"There is not a teabags worth of difference between the far right and the far left."
If you want to whine about drone programs, why not go after Jimmy Carter, who started the whole thing by ramping up the cruise missile production. Original drones.
I am sure the people on the ground were much happier when we killed them with thousands of tons of explosive dropped from PILOTED flying death machines. Thank GOD the people of Dresden never had to experience unmanned devastation.
We have to drone them over there so we don't have to drone you here.... no, wait, what?
not to sound trivial or anything, but just you wait until those drones start issuing tickets for speeding and urinating in public.
The disagreement here, once again, is not one of ideology, but rather one of electoral preference. You think that because I didn't want to see Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan elected to the American executive and therefore supported Obama's re-election I must agree with him on everything, no matter how loudly critical I am of many of his policies. I, on the other hand, think that because you wanted to see Obama defeated at the polls in November, you were supporting Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan and that, more than anything else, your flat refusal to acknowledge this fact of electoral reality is fundamentally dishonest.
My support for Obama, ONCE AGAIN, was predicated on the fact that America is strictly a two-party electoral system, and he truly was the lesser of two evils - it's not even a close call. Go read the Paul Ryan budget if you doubt my word on it. If there were a better candidate, I would have supported him or her, but there was not. There was only one that was much, MUCH worse...
The one and only reason (Ayn) Rand Paul stood up in the well of the Senate to drone on about drones is to soften the wallets of potential donors for yet another "Paul, Inc."© money-raising foray into national celebrity politicking of the Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich (pioneer) variety. The next generation.
He and Ron run to raise money, not vice versa.
How to dismantle the Bush-league implements (drones, PATRIOT Act, torture, etc.) of the War on Terra'©®? (which I think is the real question you are raising [and RP is harping, however disingenuously on]) End the War on Terra'©®!
How does one (man) then disentangle? Especially one (black man) who is not a dictator and who has gradually been devolving the centralized power of the Bush-era Executive back to that of the Legislative?
Well, frankly, without a clear victory—which of course is impossible in the sort of quagmire Rummy/Cheney created—it's got to be an incremental process. (Didn't we learn that lesson in 1963?) Which, to my mind, seems to be happening.
Liberals tend to focus on Process. Conservatives demand results. If you want immediate results, hire a dictator/boss/Leader, the kind of thing I think Rand fantasizes himself as being.
Get your wallet out...
Shorter Democratic apologists: "It's a two-party system -- and we're damned sure going to keep it that way!" So we get a right wing, and a far-right wing.
What a Right-Wing tool, eh? I'm sure Romney/Ryan would have done exactly the same thing...
Shorter Democratic apologists: "It's a two-party system -- and we're damned sure going to keep it that way!" So we get a right wing, and a far-right wing.
Or maybe, JUST MAYBE, I didn't want to live under Romney/Ryan policies. Is that even conceivable?
Nah, you're right. I guess supporting Obama is actually MORE right-wing than supporting Romney/Ryan. Do you see the many holes and tatters in your argument?
Technically, it wasn't a filibuster.
It was a fauxlibuster.
There are two things, Tom. First of all, there is little viable path to change American politics to a multi-party system, and little reward for doing so. Multiple parties tend to emerge in parliamentary systems, and there's really no mechanism for changing Congress to a parliament.
Having said that, there is a role for minority parties to work within the system, even if mostly at the lower levels. But it's fricking hard, unless it's an astroturf rebranding distraction operation funded by outside parties, like the Teabaggers. So, where are the populist groundswell parties? Why are there only about a dozen Green party elected officials in the entire state of Wisconsin?
Because it's hard, and people aren't doing it, preferring to bitch about the choices they don't have.
Second thing. Balloon juice recently posted a link to an article that talked about how elected officials tend to overestimate the amount of conservative support in their districts, even in blue district. And in many cases, by extravagant amounts. And why is that?
Not because the elected folks are inherently right wing, this holds true across ideological lines. But the wingnuts are 'full of passionate intensity' - and they have phones. They call and write and generally make a big noise. in some part, they are supported by an inherent conservative bias in corporate media, but that doesn't apply to direct contact.
Meanwhile (and I am guilty of this-partially because my congressfolks have been generally good uns) us liberals are squabbling among ourselves and arguing how many purity ponies can dance on the wings of a drone, instead of putting pressure where it might actually do good...on our elected representatives. We aren't making a big noise.
Congress not left wing enough for you? Good, nor for me. So let's MOVE THEM. Object when your relatives say blatant rightwing untruths, even if at the holiday table (driftglass and Blue Gal often have good advice on how to do so without it turning into a fistfight). Write and call your elected officials, even if they are plastic douch-canoes like Ron Johnson.
Wow. I guess mikey is right, I win the TL;DR award.
Working For The Clampdown
Don't work for the Clampdown.
Too late, hippie.
Wow. I guess mikey is right, I win the TL;DR award.
I don't think that is worthy of the "True Liberal; Democrats==Republicans" award.
i thought i left a comment about a ladder shelf here , debussy.. .flut'
I don't see anything in the filter but handbag spam and the like from nonny-mouse, anne.
i've never carried a hand bag , and anne is my name , i am not a non ..of mouse ./ have you removed other comments that i may have left as well, of /if.. you have removed ,you are mis reading
Nope, I've removed no anne comments.
What I was saying is the only comments I see that didn't get posted are ones blogger automatically catches, and the author is "anonymous".
oh, maybe i left the question on the ladder shelf on another post here ,i'll look when i can, pain in foot(s)like led /lead belly ..need more vert tea , can't lay down mynever lay .. sit up hosp. bed to rest til it passes , if i lay with this i end up going by ambulance to hosp. /of why they will not insur. to leave ont. ,born with missing too much of small intestine
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