This bat got in the house, and eventually sought refuge under a spare bed. He/she/its/bat's voice sounded like clicking, although it was high-pitched enough to also be described as squeaking.
"Get away from me, you huge, ugly, scary monster!!!," he translated.
Also, d.a.w.g.s:
at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
So, did the bat make it our safe and flapping?
thundra haz nue pet
wuz gonna post a response to this at Whiskey Fire, but it looks like I am bannzors there. So now you've got at least one safe space!
Anyways, you seem to be all set for those horribly cold, four-dog, one-bat nights.
Not flapping. Bat capture involved two rounds, the first failed because I didn't want to crush poor little bat under the container I had over him as I tried to slide a top under it...he made it to the edge of the 2nd floor there and took off again.
So by the time we put him outside, he wasn't doing much but being stunned. He was gone in the morning from the bench on the porch, so either recovered, or else got eaten by another critter.
wuz gonna post a response to this at Whiskey Fire, but it looks like I am bannzors there.
Really? How? I don't think anyone is banned there.
All right, I found your comments in the spam filter, under the glass wool with the charcoal.
Note: I only have powers to rescue the comments on a post I put up at Ther's place.
There are other posts at Thers' place?
Really? How?
Imma zombizzle. People are kind of irrational about the whole thing. I've gotten used to it.
Pure. West.
Zombies are economic stimulus, on account of their being "Shovel-Ready"...
It's Wednesday so I spent the afternoon with many cranky bats...
This bat wasn't so easy to wrangle, either, Jennifer.
thundra haz nue pet
I will hug him and squeeze him and name him George.
oh my god. that is soooo adorable. Is that a "Little Brown Dog"?
i'm staring at this one , this set of photos ,the way i did with the cats on the back cement steps in the sun of the first post i commented on was it , i'm viewing ..on tvo ,-trouble in the peace , a flop with dogs my mind it is ,rest so sleepy here , flop viewing .. .
i think that i have some major family connect to peace river , viewing in my half sleep ..looking at the horses wondering through the sways of water is making me shiver so .. cold , shhe climbs in with the dogs.. .ag.
wondering ..and wandering .. that's why a couple of boys would follow me home on the other side of the street .. teasing zom bi' .. of the lovely lovely lovely dreamily wander / what's the wht shelf looking .. to the left of one of the bedddings ?
oh here it is.. where .. . was asking about what that was to the left in the photo ..on another .., of one of the dogs ..on a bed , i was just listening to led stair way to..while i stood .. , and a small song of comma sway ..came up in and on the ave. here ,/ i first heard led ' from an album that my father had in a collection of jazz, oscar and so on /we had a interesting mix of jazz men in the hood of where i grew up , and then there was the father of my closest male friend .. , i sat on the piano bench ,his mother's ,she was still away ,but soon to be there with us from teaching with the deaf, and there he was always appearing at that moment david's father ..coming in from the ravine with the dogs .. . ,
david was like something of the little indian , a large gentle david gilmour look alike ..but darker .. , he went north , not like glenn, but of more of to those more native to this landing of fair behaving ,
How big (or little) was that bat, thunder? Fit in the palms for your hands little? I dare say, he looks kinda cute. FOR A BAT.
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