Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) posed for a picture with Birther leader and California secretary of state candidate Orly Taitz at a tea party lunch event in California Friday, Taitz tells TPM.
Third: We were struck by the merit of some of the views ascribed to these inexperienced political actors—by the way their views sometimes dovetail with those of us genius progressives.
Yeah, right, Bob Somerby. I'm struck by the fact that these loons have showered $12 million on their Queen, Sarah Palin. Sheer Genius!
I did not know Crazy Shelley was a spinner.
More Crazy Shelley.
The Braindead Ladies of Clown Town.
Every time I see a picture of Rep. Bachmann, a little piece of me dies. Can we all just do me a favor and pretend she doesn't exist?
makes you remember Jesse Ventura fondly, huh Snag?
Nah, she's slowly, inexorably forcing Bachmann to her knees... Bachmann will kneel before the superior nuttiness of La Taitz.
Orly Taitz eats ivy and a kid'll eat ivy too.
hah! I said it and I'm glad I did, damn you!
A fine pancake.
Shirley you mean "A fierce pancake".
Stump is a tragically underrated band.
Charlton Heston
Put his vest on...
Sir, you killed me with that post title.
Mock the Jesse all you want, but was Warren Zevon at your governor's inauguration?
I could go on a Three Bulls comment section type rant about property taxes and levy limitations, but I think instead I shall look for a video of Werewolves of London.
Good day.
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