CONNOLLY: It's interesting though because, on substance, most smart people in Washington knew the United States Senate was never going to vote for a public option. So, for the liberals to suddenly say, gosh, Joe Lieberman killed it at the last minute, just not true.
Silly liberals! There's just enough corrupt Senators to prevent a public option. And we corrupt Post writers will point and laugh.
Thunder, it's Christmas.
Aren't you required to post cheerful heartwarming things? I't like a Blogger rule.
Even Brando is on top of that, albeit in a painful, degrading way.
Why are you reading some wanker's opinions about the "smart people in Washington", among whom she is apparently numbered, and how they always know in advance what is going to happen, though professional rules only allow her to quote their insider omniscience as after-the-fact rationalisations rather than predictions? You will only raise your blood-pressure.
Let ZRM read them instead.
Back when I was home-brewing, the range of Smut beers included Lenin Lager, Stalin Stout ("A purge in every pint!") and the Trotsky Headsplitter Bitter. That last one contained wormwood as a bittering agent as well as hops, and a friend described the flavour as "the gustatory equivalent of white noise".
Thunder, it's Christmas.
Back when I was home-brewing, the range of Smut beers included Lenin Lager, Stalin Stout ("A purge in every pint!") and the Trotsky Headsplitter Bitter.
Love those!
Curious... what hobby replaced the home-brewing?? And do we even want to know???
First it's "cheerful" things, then it's heartburn, not heart-warming!
what hobby replaced the home-brewing??
I'll join you.
Thunderpants- I'd always pictured her differently. I am more enraged and her casual boat sitting laissez-faire. I'm serious.
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