This is what the last one looked like last year. Apparently the opening in the top of the cage was too large. All the upper leaves have been eaten, there's one dead branch, and one live branch at the bottom... ~
It's not surprising that The Columbus Dispatch would fail to mention this, as they're Republicans who inherited the paper from daddy. I do find it amusing that their source for Boehner's reform credentials is a Republican lobbyist who insisted on anonymity.
As for following the sentence "He doesn't want to get caught up in all the hoopla ... and the trappings of power" with "Boehner, who set his sights on becoming speaker as far back as 1991 when he was a freshman House member...", not even M.C Hammer could touch this.
You could call it the surprise du jour: A popular food on Vietnamese menus has turned out to be a lizard previously unknown to science, scientists say.
Only to have its liver eaten the next day by FAUX Nooze:
Judy Miller criticizes Diane Sawyer for being "too busy blogging and net-Twittering" to properly question Pelosi
"Seems like kind of a kid gloves interview if you watch the whole thing."
FAUX is home base for candidates who can't even take questions from the likes of Katie Couric. This is the network the rest of our media takes its cues from, people. Be sad. Be very sad. The media narrative already is "Obama and the Democrats moved too far to the left".
Larry Summers and Tim Geithner replaced Bush's crack economics advisor, Hank Paulson. Harsh blow for Wall Street! Anything less than hiring Larry Kudlow will show that that the Marxists are still in charge.
David "The Dean" Broder has already suggested that invading Iran is a solution to our economic problems. The war that would pay for itself has cost us $3 trillion and counting. But we're just going to keep making war until we find the Magical Unicorn!
I'm sure Fred Hiatt will chime in shortly, writing if we only had more tax cuts for the rich, and got rid of these silly expensive programs like "Social Security" and "Medicare", all will be blue skies again.