Here is the 4th of the Redbuds I planted. There's a big one blooming down the street over its shoulder.

There are so many pretty flowers blooming. I must keep snapping away.

Daffodils were still going strong on Cacapon Mountain late in March:

How about a couple of porch birdies?

And now for that annual doggerel (plus a dogwood):
How much wood would a dogwood dog, if a dogwood could dog wood?

P.S. I added the link to Nature Footstep's Trees n Bushes 53.
Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
adorable nuthatch.
Pretty blooms... I want to plant a dogwood, but i am running out of room in the sun. The back is mostly shady... Michelle
May all of your redbuds flourish and floriforate!
I've always liked the pretty flowers on the Bleeding-heart - pity about the name, though.
Hello, I love the blooming dogwoods adn redbuds. The birds are always a cute sight. The bleeding hearts are one of my favorite blooms and plants. Happy Wednesday, enjoy your day!
Hooray for spring. :)
That just might be your best nuthatch yet, old chum.
Beautiful all the flowers on the tree in the last picture. also Fuchias is beautiful in color. A nice blog with nature and I like that.
Beautiful blossoms, and a fun hike for me too!
thanks for linking up at Trees n Bushes :)
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