1. TPP, TTIP, TISA (i.e. the agreements covered by Fast Track)
2. Journalism and Journamalism
3. Election 2016
Part One
Since my last post on the TPP, Our President managed to get Fast Track passed through Congress, primarily with Republican votes. There were two separate votes in the House, one for Fast Track and one to pair it with the TAA (Trade Assistance Authority, a fig leaf bit of legislation for pro-Fast Track Democrats who want to pretend to care about workers). The first passed 219-211, with 28 Democrats joining 191 Republicans. The second passed 218-208, with the same 28 Democrats joining the GOP (and Our President).
Thirteen Democrats joined the Republicans to get reach the required 60 votes in the Senate. But they could have rounded up a few more if needed...for instance, Chuck Schumer did everything he could to make this vote possible, then voted against it. If it had come down to the wire, you can be sure Chuck the Schmuck would have put his bloody fingerprints on that knife. That's why you can't rely a simple summary of a congresscritter's voting record to see where he or she really stands. You have to follow the play by play.
The TPP is a horrendous piece of legislation. Thanks to WikiLeaks, we see just how bad TPP trade deal is for regular people.
The TTIP is at least as bad. And then there is the TISA. The most secretive, and SURPRISE, the worst.
G.W. Bush began negotiations on the TPP. It took a sellout Wall St. Dem like Obama to get that stinker past our first (and best) chance to stop it.
Part Two Spotlight won the Oscar for best picture. It is a movie about journalism working the way it is supposed to.
Media coverage of Syria is an example of the opposite.
Inevitably, this kind of disinformation has bled into the American presidential campaign. At the recent debate in Milwaukee, Hillary Clinton claimed that United Nations peace efforts in Syria were based on “an agreement I negotiated in June of 2012 in Geneva.” The precise opposite is true. In 2012 Secretary of State Clinton joined Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Israel in a successful effort to kill Kofi Annan’s UN peace plan because it would have accommodated Iran and kept Assad in power, at least temporarily. No one on the Milwaukee stage knew enough to challenge her.Part Three
Sanders 2016