Here's another couple of shots of a Tufted Titmouse who wasn't interested in waiting for the suet feeder to be put up in the branches:

Many mornings in W.V., a chipmunk will come around looking for moths left over from fluttering at the sliding glass doors the night before. (They compete for those moths with the wrens.)

Finally, here are my sister's wolfhounds. It's ruff out there for a dog...

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
Hello, Wonderful collection of photos. I love the Titmouse and the cute chipper! Your sister's dogs are beautiful, that is their bed right? Thank you for linking up and sharing your post. Have a happy weekend!
I've always liked Wolfhounds! But 3 of them!! Wow.
Now that is a lot of dogs on that bed!!!
love the pile o' pups. cute chippy, too.
Impossible to get out of the wrong side of the bed with all those adorable wolfhounds in it! Love that photo! Cute little chipmunk too!
Wow, that's gotta be... what? Three-hundred some-odd pounds of dog, right?
Those are some nice-looking dogs!
Yes, B^4, even the tiny little puppies are over 100 pounds now.
I can't imagine having that many large dogs hanging out on my bed. Wow. I didn't know chipmunks liked to eat moths. Who knew?
The chipmunks and the titmouse have a commonality that we (most) humans don't give them credit for. They learn things, they remember and they interact with other animals (us).
I love the pile of dogs on the bed! It made me wonder where your sister sleeps. :-)
Is there any room for your sister? :-)
love those wolfhounds...well...all critters :)
oh love the dogs!
A three-cat night is quite enough for us, thankyouverymuch.
I know where I'd be spending my Sunday afternoons! Reading in bed with those gorgeous dogs.
Love those dogs.
Missed seeing you around. Glad to see you are still "around".
Hello!:) What a priceless picture of the Wolfhounds, I love it! They are beautiful dogs, and that's a cute picture of the chipmunk too.
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