This big bird posed in a tree...temporarily. I wanted to get a picture clear of the twigs and leaves, but he/she/it/crow was having none of that.

Here's one of its fellow travelers:

On the other hand, these horses are very accommodating.

It's that time of year again: Moonflowers are back!

Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions. ~
Oh yes moon flowers! Most lovely, as are those horse heads. You always capture the most interesting of images around.
Have you gotten your fence post ready yet? I've got my photos, but need to get writing too!
I've got some phence photos, but haven't done any uploading yet.
I love the way those moonflowers get mowed down every year, but come right back up through the cracks by July.
Don't ever get a crow angry... crows tend not to forget wrongs.
I love the moonflowers - but I covet those horsehead fenceposts!
Lovely! I think I like the bird (crow? raven?) on the light standard best. It looks like he's yelling something lol :)
Those moon flowers are very pretty, but I gather they are a bit of a menace? Yes, we have plants like that! I like your crow (feel sure he is a member of the crow family) supposed to be the most intelligent birds. Wonder what he isthinking up there?
That first crow pic looks like it could be from a David Lynch movie. The second from a Hitchcock!
Great shots well chosen for the theme
Horses heads looking for a game of chess.
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