With the cold and persistent snow cover, the deer have been a lot less shy of photographers lurking on porch decks. Once they take what they want from the compost pile, it's off to some bark from a sugar maple.

Here we have some Carolina Wrens enjoying a nice bowl of old, cold hamburger grease:

Last but not least, some pre-snowfall birds:

Cross-posted at Whiskey Fire. Mouse over pics for captions, and click them for larger versions.
The video was great to watch. You really are having a cold winter!?!
Love the deer - they must be hungry in all that snowy cold weather!
Three deer and not an orb between them.
Also, you need to laugh "a-a-a-a-a" like the Count on Sesame Street when you count to three like that.
So sweet!.. I don't think I could deal w/the cold! :-)
So sweet!.. I don't think I could deal w/the cold! :-)
Deer here need webbed feet.
I know the lower branches would be easier, but reaching higher up is so much more fun!- said the deer! Great moment to share, thanks, one of my dogs is still barking softly after hearing the great outdoor sounds in the background! Where's that bird?...bark,bark, bark.
Yon thundra hath a lean and hungry look...
If y'all get snowed in and can't get down to the settlement for provisions...well I think you know where I'm going with this. You don't have to starve. I'm just sayin'.
At first I thought that said Three Cold Beers and I clicked right over!
All cuddled in our warm homes, it is hard to think how the wildlife is coping with this harsh winter in North America but the birds are there every day at our feeders and the deer where you are. Love the video!
Tough season for wildlife. Thanks for sharing.
You have an absolutely fantastic blog. You are amazing blogger.
I ♥ your blog!
Feel free to my blog dear:
Kisses ♥
It's cool in here, boy.
I was going to go with "Three Cold Deers", mikey, but the internet tells me that "deers" is only correct for different species of deer.
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