"centrist reformers in both parties" - Ha ha, try the veal!

In other words, my job as an NYT propagandist is to help make sure the Democrats don't get crazy and try to use the government to help anyone beyond the richest 1 or 2 percent of Americans. (Not that there was much risk of this happening.)

Let's see: One side has said things like "The tax cuts will pay for themselves", "The Iraq war will pay for itself" and "Reagan proved deficits don't matter", and the other has been right about everything for the last 3 decades. So just the same thing, right Matt?

Matt, you dissembling asshole, Christine Romer estimated that the total stimulus needed was 1.2 - 1.4 trillion. The Obama Administration, as usual, pre-negotiatied that figure down to 800 million, and then (as usual) got played by the Republicans...1/3 of this amount was turned into tax cuts. Tax cuts for the rich have a recent historical record (aka the last three decades) of neither paying for themselves nor creating jobs. Of course you don't tell your readers this, because you are a lying asshole.

* S: (n) Fically Conservative (as used by Village Propagandists): One who votes for tax cuts for the wealthy, wars for oil and defense company profits, and deregulation that lead to trillions in debt. But they will vote against extending benefits for the jobless when unemployment is at 10%, thus earning tongue baths from the likes of Matt Bai.

The charitable explanation would be that Matt Bai has been asleep, Rip Van Winkle style, for the past two years. But Occam's Razor says he is lying again.

The national debt is near the top of any list of voter concerns at the moment... Which poll shows this, Matt Bai? I'm guessing it includes Tom Friedman's cab driver, David Brooks' Applebees salad bar attendant, the guests at Sally Quinn's last dinner party, and no one else.

Social Security has nothing to do with either the debt or the mission of this commission. The fact that they include cutting it in their shameless report gives the whole game away.
Matt Bai tells lies that advance the interests of America's plutocrat class. George Carlin reported more information in 3 minutes than Matt Bai has (or ever will) in his entire pathetic, scum-sucking lifetime.
You forgot to wish a Merry Christmas to Mr. Bai. Santa will be bringing a lump of coal for Matt's stocking, & a bigger one for his coal chute.
Merry Effin' Christmas Matt Bai, you dissembling sleazebag!
I guess they ran out of all the cool, brainy-sounding think tank names.
The bit of a slogan, "[...]new opportunities built on understanding[...]" Makes you wonder what the missing parts say.
I like this, unfortunately.
why do you have a picture of Howie Mandel up there?
The Obama Administration, as usual, pre-negotiatied that figure down to 800 million, and then (as usual) got played by the Republicans...
Of course, the Republicans were happy to take stimulus money for in-state projects even as they decried the stimulus.
I think we should support the very rich 110% because then they will give us a pony and I like ponies.
I want mine to be pink and sparkly.
YES THERE WILL BE PONIES!!! Only if Obama goes "bipartisan" of course
I want my pony to be....
The national debt is near the top of any list of voter concerns at the moment... Which poll shows this, Matt Bai? I'm guessing it includes Tom Friedman's cab driver, David Brooks' Applebees salad bar attendant, the guests at Sally Quinn's last dinner party, and no one else.
Don't make me laugh when I'm pissed off, thundra.
However, I'll settle down and will go along if I get my pony.
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