You could call it the surprise du jour: A popular food on Vietnamese menus has turned out to be a lizard previously unknown to science, scientists say.
What's more, the newfound Leiolepis ngovantrii is no run-of-the-mill reptile—the all-female species reproduces via cloning, without the need for male lizards.
Just wait until Stephen Colbert hears about this. Prepare to bow down to your Reptiloid Lady Masters, sheeple!
P.S. Be sure to watch the entire Threat Down video, if you want to hear more mocking of scientists.
the all-female species reproduces via cloning, without the need for male lizards.
Right. And their pickle jars just never open, do they?
Pickle jars are easy. I regularly open soup containers for a fellow cube mate that challenge my manliness.
So far I have not been defeated, although I've had moments of concern.
My urologist says that you should never open soup tins with your manliness.
Not even dolphins can do that.
Grismer and his son Jesse Grismer [...] The father-son team
Suspicious absence of a mother from the scene.
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