Now for other bidness. BBBB is sticking up for Fuzzbox in the face of Spin Magazine's accusation of being the world's worst cover (of this song).
I can not rate for Fuzzbox when it comes to Spirit In The Sky.
And now for: @Utube WTF LOLZ!!!
P.S. More snowscape:

Dint you run this a while ago? (Can not be arsed, making lunch ...)
I'm always telling fascists to visit here for outrage, but no, they have to go to npr. Elitests!
In other news, nice to see the Fifth Third Bank is still in business.
I do recall pasting that link somewhere. I'm not sure if it was here, though.
Yes, the fraction survived. It was close, though! (I'm putting up a another pic that shows downtown buildings in the background.)
Hey nice piccys Thunder. Crikey it's warm here, me fingers keep slipopoing in teh keyyssas.
Alvin Stardust is the all-time, drop dead, King of rock 'n' roll and that's all there is to it.
so if the Zombocalypse comes, you are unable to flee the urban locale.
Good to know.
I actually don't mind that cover. I love Spirit in the Sky- and that is way better that Doctor and the Medics, which I own of course for historical reasons.
so if the Zombocalypse comes, you are unable to flee the urban locale.
Says the guy who'll be frozen solid under these conditions.
Sux to not have body heat- BREATHERS R00L!!!
I actually don't mind that cover.
I feel much better now.
A version therapy is working.
I always love snow storms that have thundra.
Dang. I lived in Columbus for three years and never saw that much snow.
Nice of the plow to leave that protective barrier behind your car to prevent collision.
Thanks for the link!
I knew you weren't going to complain, because you are one smart cookie.....
Alvin Stardust rocking the extra rare pompadour mullet. Nice!
because you are one smart cookie.....
And Von. Likes. Cookies.
I wish not concur on it. I over nice post. Particularly the title attracted me to read the whole story.
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Good luck with college, Anonymoose.
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